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Ablative Lasers for Dermatologic Surgery and Skin Rejuvenation 

Registration Fee $580

MCQ Examination will take place on 26 Jul 2025 (3PM-5PM) . Venue: Academia L2 S3/S4

Please make sure that you will be able to attend the workshops and MCQ examinations on the stipulated dates (displayed in the programme) before you make your payment and confirm your registration. An admin fee of $30 is chargeable to reschule if you fail to attend the MCQ exam on the stipulated date/time.   

If you miss your scheduled exam, it may take some time before a repeat exam will be conducted and you may not be accredited any COC.

The MCQ exam will be a closed book exam

** Our Workshops are accreditation by SMC Aesthetic Practice Oversight Committee as Certificate of Competence. * The workshop will only proceed if there are at least 20 participants. 


Ablative Lasers for Dermatologic Surgery and Skin Rejuvenation

Date :

20 July 2025

Time :

8.30am - 12.30pm

Venue :



Course Objective


The course will give an overview of the principle and application of ablative lasers in dermatologic surgery. The workshop will equip physicians on laser physics and the principle of selective photothermolysis. The workshop will describe the indications for ablative lasers in dermatologic surgery and skin rejuvenation. Participants will learn how to use ablative lasers, including pre and post-operative skin care and how to prevent complications from ablative lasers.



  1. 0830 – 0855 Registration
  2. 0855 – 0900 Introduction - Dr CL Goh
  3. 0900 – 0920 Laser physics and principle of selective photothermolysis and its application in ablative lasers - Dr CL Goh
  4. 0920 – 0940 Types and indications for ablative lasers in dermatologic surgery.- Dr L Khoo
  5. 0940 – 1000 Pre-operative, intra-operative and post-operative care in ablative laser applications. - Dr Ang
  6. 1000 – 1015 Tea Break
  7. 1015 – 1035 How to use ablative lasers safely. - Dr J lim
  8. 1035 – 1055 Complications from ablative lasers and their management. – Dr. C L Goh
  9. 1055 – 1110 Q & A
  10. 1110 – 1200 Video Demonstration
  11. 1200 – 1230 Q & A
  12.   MCQ Exam will be conducted on a separate date

Workshop certificate is accredited by SMC Aesthetic Practice Oversight Committee as Certificate of Competence. Workshop lecturers, titles, date and venue are subject to change.

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