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Our Workshops

Our Workshop certificate is accredited by SMC Aesthetic Practice Oversight Committee as Certificate of Competence.

2023 ADEG Workshops on Aesthetic Dermatology

After the adoption of living with Covid19 pandemic, new and more relax control measures are undertaken by the Ministry of Health.   ADEG will continue to run its workshops virtually but holds its MCQ exam face to face as required by SMC. Face to face workshops will be introduced over time.

Updated on 31 Jan 2024

Virtual ADEG workshops: 

The SMC has approved ADEG to conduct virtual workshops in place of face to face workshops under some terms and conditions.  The contents of the virtual workshops will be similar to that our previous face to face workshops.  The live demonstration of procedures will all be replaced with video teaching.

As stipulated by SMC, participants will undertake their examination (MCQ) under invigilation on a separate date (face to face) at a suitable venue.  Only participants who passed the exam and have attended >80% of the workshop lectures and 80% of the workshop video and/or live demonstration will be issued SMC accredited ADEG Certificate of Attendance of the workshop.  The ADEG Certificate of Attendance is accredited as Certificate of Competance (COC) by the SMC. 

Workflow/Registration for ADEG virtual COC(AVCOC) workshops for Aesthetic Dermatology

Upcoming Workshops:

  • Non Surgical Body Contouring/Pigment Lasers (21.04.24). MCQ Exam 1.06.24
  • Botolinum Toxin A /Fillers workshops (19.05.24)  MCQ Exam 1 Jun 2024
  • Pigment Lasers (am) and IPL (pm) (14.07.24). MCQ Exam 27.07.24
  • Ablative/Fractional Lasers  (25 Aug 2024,  MCQ Exam 31 Aug 2024
  • Vascular/Skin Tightening workshops, (22 Sep 2024  , MCQ Exam 28 Sep 2024
  • Body Cotouring , (13 Oct 2024,  MCQ 26 Oct 2024
  • Botox/Fillers  17 Nov 2024  MCQ 23 Nov 2024
  • About ADEG
    Aesthetic Dermatology Educational Group

We are a group of dermatologists interested in the practice and teaching of aesthetic dermatology. Aesthetic dermatology is a rapidly expanding subspecialty...

Workflow/Registration for ADEG virtual COC(AVCOC) workshops for Aesthetic Derm

Aesthetic Dermatology A scientific approach to enhance skin aesthetic. Want to know more about the latest treatments in skin aesthetics ?
watch out our upcoming seminars.

  1. Want to learn more about the latest and well studied technologies and techniques in aesthetic dermatology?

    Sign up for our workshops and courses

  2. Need to publicise and promote your products and equipments?

    Work with us

Need for Virtual Aesthetic Procedure Workshops

ADEG has been conducting its APOC accredited COC workshops on Aesthetic Dermatology procedure for about 10 years.  In the past the workshops were conducted face to face (in real time physically) with live demonstrations.  Virtual teaching has become part and parcel and norm for CME for doctors around the world. Hence ADEG has converted its aesthetic workshops into Virtual workshops. The contents and lecturers for the proposed virtual workshops are identical to the current face to face workshops.  Workshop demonstrations will be conducted via video recordings.  

With ADEG teaching faculty wealth of experience, ADEG believes that it can help maintain the standard of aesthetic dermatology practice in Singapore through its virtual workshops training for Singapore doctors during this Covid19 pandemic.

Our Workshops

  • Botulinum Toxin A for Aesthetic Applications
  • Dermal Fillers
  • Chemical Peels
  • Lasers and IPL Assisted Hair Removal 
  • Pigment Lasers
  • IPL for Skin Rejuvenation
  • Ablative Lasers
  • Fractional Photothermolysis for Skin Rejuvenation
  • Lasers & IPL for Vascular Lasers
  • Non Surgical Skin Tightening Devices
  • Non-surgical Skin Contouring 



19-May-24   Botulinum Toxin A for Aesthetic Application
19-May-24   Dermal Fillers
21-Apr-24   Non Surgical Body Contouring
21-Apr-24   Pigment Lasers for Pigmentary Skin Disorders
17-Mar-24   Lasers and IPL for Vascular Disorders
17-Mar-24   Non Surgical Skin Tightening Devices
21-Jan-24   Lasers and IPL Assisted Hair Removal
21-Jan-24   Chemical Peels 
25-Jun-23   Ablative Lasers for Dermatologic Surgery and Skin Rejuvenation
25-Jun-23   Fractional Photothermolysis Lasers for Skin Rejuvenation 
23-Apr-23   Lasers and IPL Assisted Hair Removal
23-Apr-23   Chemical Peels
26-Mar-23   Pigment Lasers for Pigmentary Skin Disorders
26-Mar-23   IPL for Skin Rejuvenation
19-Feb-23   Botulinum Toxin A for Aesthetic Application
19-Feb-23   Dermal Fillers


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