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Non Surgical Body Contouring

Registration Fee $580


MCQ Examination will take place tentatively on 27 Sep 2025 afternoon.

Venue: Academial L1S4


Please make sure that you will be able to attend the workshops and MCQ examinations on the stipulated dates (displayed in the programme) before you make your payment and confirm your registration. Rescheduled exam arising from absence will be subject to an adminstration fee of $30 per change requested.

If you miss your scheduled exam, it may take some time before a repeat exam will be conducted and you may not be accredited any COC.

Non Surgical Body Contouring (21 Sep )

Date :

21 September 2025

Time :

8.30 am to 12.30 pm

Venue :



Course Objective


The course will provide an overview of principle and practice of non-surgical body contouring. The application of various non-surgical body contouring devices including devices using radiofrequency, ultrasounds, cryolipolysis and laser will be presented and discused. Participants will be briefed on where to use and how to use these devices to achieve optimum outcome efficaciously. Pre-procedure preparations and post procedure care will be presented. Participants will also be briefed on the complications and how to prevent complications from non-surgical body contouring procedures. At the end of the workshop, participants will have a good grasp of the indication, effectiveness and dos and don't when carrying out non-surgical body contouring procedures.



  1. 0855 – 0900 Introduction
  2. 0900 - 0930 Principles on body contouring and the various non –surgical options available including radiofrequency (monopolar, bipolar(Exilis), multipolar,(Vanquish), cryolipolysis, high intensity ultrasound(Liposonix, Ultrashape, Velashape(Syneron), Ulthera, Ultraformer, Dublo(Zoe Nissi), and laser (sculpsure)- Dr Goh CL
  3. 0930 – 1000 Selection and preparation of patients for body contouring. Selection of device. Pre-procedural counselling and post procedural care-Dr Ang CB
  4. 1000 – 1030 How to use radiofrequency and cryolipolysis for body contouring. Complications from radiofrequency and cryolipolysis -Dr Joyce Lim
  5. 1030 – 1045 Tea break
  6. 1045 -1115 How to use high intensity ultrasound and laser for body contouring. Complications from ultrasound and laser - Dr Lawrence Khoo
  7. 1115 – 1130 Q & A
  8. 1130 – 1230 Video demonstration.
  9. MCQ Exam will be arranged separately 

Workshop certificate is accredited by SMC Aesthetic Procedure Oversight Committee as Certificate of Competence.

Workshop lecturers, titles, date and venue are subject to change. The workshop will only proceed when there are at least 50 participants. Registration Fee $580

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