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Pigment Lasers for Pigmentary Skin Disorders 

Registration Fee $580


MCQ Examination will take place on 27 Sep 2025 at the Academia,  L1 S4, SGH

Please make sure that you will be able to attend the workshops and MCQ examinations on the stipulated dates (displayed in the programme) before you make your payment and confirm your registration. Any request for change in the assigned MCQ exam date/time will be subject to an adminstration fee of $30 per change requested.

If you miss your scheduled exam, it may take some time before a repeat exam will be conducted and you may not be accredited any COC.

Pigment Lasers for Pigmentary Skin Disorders (21 Sep )

Date :

21 September 2025

Time :

1.30pm - 5.30pm

Venue :



Course Objective


The course will provide participants with a clinical overview of common skin pigmentary disorders to equip participants to make accurate diagnosis so that an appropriate pigment lasers or light devices are used. Participants will also be taught on the choice of lasers for each of the pigmentary disorders. At the end of the course participants will have a good grasp of laser pigment interaction and can safely use lasers or light devices to treat some pigmentary skin disorders.



  1. 1300 - 1330: Registration
  2. 1330-1305 Introduction - Dr J lim
  3. 1335 - 1400 Principles of light and laser devices for removal of pigmentary disorders. Principle of selective photothermolysis. Choice of pigment lasers for pigmentation disorders. Laser safety. – Dr CL Goh
  4. 1400 - 1430 Overview of the common cosmetic pigmentary disorders. Selection and preparation of patients for lasers/light device treatment. Pre- and Post- procedures counseling/preparation/care. - Dr Ang CB
  5. 1430 -1500 Treatment of congenital pigmentary disorders. - Dr J Lim
  6. 1500 -1515 Tea Break
  7. 1515 -1535 Treatment of acquired pigmentary disorders. - Dr L khoo
  8. 1535 -1555 Compications and Management of complications from pigment lasers. – Dr CL Goh
  9. 1555 -1610 Q & A
  10. 1610 -1700 Video Demonstration
  11. 1700 -1750 Q & A
  12. MCQ Exam will be arranged separately .

Workshop certificate is accredited by SMC Aesthetic Practice Oversight Committee as Certificate of Competence. Course lecturers and titles are subject to change. Date and Venue to be announced. We will only proceed with a workshop if there are at least 20 participants for the workshop

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